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branding packages

Alternatively, get in touch to discuss how we can tailor our plans to match your requirements.

Price to be quoted upon scope-lock.





The first step is always the Exploration Phase - whether you have an existing brand or are starting from scratch, we'll spend time developing a comprehensive understanding of your company. We want to understand what makes you, you. 

This includes an in-depth audit on any existing materials you may have, intensive market and competitor research, identification of your target audience, and working closely with you to define your brand objectives, values and unique voice. These are all fundamental building blocks that provide the foundation of your brand, from which we will work outwards to develop your visual identity. 

Next up is the Design Phase - this is where we earn our keep; we lean on years of industry experience to translate the insights from the Exploration Phase into a comprehensive visual identity. This will look different for every client we work with, but the result is always the same: a full-bodied, eye-catching and recognisable brand that reflects your purpose, vision and value and is seamlessly transferable across all medias.

And finally, the Execution Phase - Our job doesn't stop after the design is complete; a brand is only as effective as it is consistent. There is no point in pouring time, effort and money into branding unless you're going to be strict about implementing it. Branding is an investment and your ROI increases tenfold when you consistently put the same message out into the world, but will not be nearly as effective if you undermine it with off-brand content. 


We strive to give you the tools and understanding to use the brand well; this comes in the form of ongoing support, a concise and articulate brandbook which will guide you through how and when to efficiently implement each element we've developed for you; and templates for your digital media. We ditch the design terminology and put everything in easy-to-understand language so everyone in your company is able to apply your branding across every platform.

Our Previous Branding clients

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